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Makedocs Setup

Setup blog


Added a demo to test features supported by mkdocs-material. If we want to add a link to another page, do not use the local flepath.

Markdown elements reference


Here's the official tutorial:

Comments system

Create a new file in overrides/partials/comments.html. Replace the selected line with your own js code.

{% if page.meta.comments %}
  <h2 id="__comments">{{ lang.t("meta.comments") }}</h2>
  <!-- Insert generated snippet here -->

  <!-- Synchronize Giscus theme with palette -->
    var giscus = document.querySelector("script[src*=giscus]")

    // Set palette on initial load
    var palette = __md_get("__palette")
    if (palette && typeof palette.color === "object") {
      var theme = palette.color.scheme === "slate"
        ? "transparent_dark"
        : "light"

      // Instruct Giscus to set theme
      giscus.setAttribute("data-theme", theme) 

    // Register event handlers after documented loaded
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
      var ref = document.querySelector("[data-md-component=palette]")
      ref.addEventListener("change", function() {
        var palette = __md_get("__palette")
        if (palette && typeof palette.color === "object") {
          var theme = palette.color.scheme === "slate"
            ? "transparent_dark"
            : "light"

          // Instruct Giscus to change theme
          var frame = document.querySelector(".giscus-frame")
            { giscus: { setConfig: { theme } } },
{% endif %}


  • date time in blog preview page not showing.